During this presentation, faculty will learn about student support services provided by Academic Advising, the Academic Resource Center (including Tutoring), and Library. We will discuss the important role of faculty as a primary connection to Concordia for students, especially for students who may never physically visit the Mequon or Ann Arbor campuses. This session is primarily for faculty teaching classes fully online or through the Centers (face-to-face or virtually). However, all faculty are welcome to attend.


Registration is required for this event. Register here: https://cuwaa.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItf--tqDktHtQ8YHi2qoDf7XawBm3_oarg

After submitting your registration, you will receive a registration confirmation, the Zoom meeting link, and the option to add this event to your calendar.

The day before the event, we will send a reminder. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Gallanis (susan.gallanis@cuw.edu) or Diana Belscamper (diana.belscamper@cuw.edu).