COVID-19 Questions or Concerns?

Quick campus COVID updates

November 19, 2020

COVID numbers update, the governor's order, looking forward to Winterim and Spring semester.

Dear Concordia students, faculty, and staff,

God’s peace to you today. As we continue to journey through November - which many call a month of gratitude and thanksgiving - I invite each of you to consider the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” Gratitude is one of the healthiest of all human emotions. In the midst of these changing and challenging days, one way to live uncommon is to live with a heart of gratitude. Give thanks. Give thanks to God. Give thanks in all circumstances.

Thank you for taking a moment to read this “Quick campus COVID update.” Please know that we are committed to communicating critical information with you often and transparently.

COVID by the numbers - 11.19.20

  • 20 positive active cases (19 students + 1 employee) connected to our campus community (this number is updated each morning on our website)
  • NO students who have tested positive are in our residence halls
  • 106 students are in quarantine; of that total number, the vast majority (97) are quarantining off campus either at home or in their off campus living situation.

Order is now in place...what does this mean?

Please take personal responsibility for your health and wellness. Make wise choices consistent with the letter and spirit of this order.

Daily symptom tracker

If you are remaining on campus, please continue to complete it every day.

  • WHEN you go home or are no longer coming to our CUAA campus (including employees who may be working remotely), you may suspend the use of the tracker.
  • You will continue to receive reminders, and frankly, you may become annoyed with them! However, please take that opportunity at every reminder to pause and pray for those affected by COVID, including those you know personally.
  • When you are not on campus, shift your medical care to our local health provider (including your primary care physician).

What about the future, especially Winterim and Spring semester?

Our team has been actively preparing for Winterim and the Spring semester. Many details will come out in the upcoming weeks, but we will continue to operate within the recommended guidelines and practices of our local and state authorities.

Our plan is to move forward with the new guest policy (allowing one guest in a suite at a time) in our residence halls and roommate agreement form. As previously shared, that policy would go into effect during Winterim, unless local authorities recommend otherwise. Please connect with the Residence Life staff if you have any questions.

We are grateful for our Concordia student workers, and thus student workers may work during Winterim following our COVID conscious guidelines. Student workers should connect with their supervisor regarding these plans.

Be well. Be healthy. Be safe. We are Concordia: “Hearts Together.”

Rev. Dr. Ryan Peterson
Vice President of Administration