COVID-19 Questions or Concerns?

Finish the semester strong

April 23, 2021

Washtenaw County vaccine availability and other updates

Dear Concordia students, faculty, and staff,

As we approach the finish line of this semester and academic year, I continue to be deeply grateful for your commitment to each other and our COVID mitigation strategies. We will keep praying for so many in our campus community whose lives and livelihood have been impacted by COVID – either personally or through a loved one. Please pray for our nation and world, as well.

Thank you for taking a moment to read this “Quick CUAA COVID update.” Communication is always key, and I pray this information is helpful to you as a part of our Concordia community.

COVID by the numbers – 04-23-21

  • 15 positive active cases connected to our campus community (this number is updated each weekday morning on our website).
  • 38 students and 1 employee are in quarantine.

Timely and critical reminders

  • Vaccine availability: We did not hold the J&J vaccine clinic on campus. However, there are MANY vaccine appointments available right now in Washtenaw County. If you live locally or are able to return in a few weeks for your second dose, you can schedule online here. We strongly encourage you to consider this option.
  • Finish strong: We will not alter or change any existing protocols prior to the end of the semester. COVID capacity limitations, the daily symptom tracker, mask wearing, physical distancing, and frequent handwashing continue to be proven ways to reduce exposure to the virus, keep our community healthy, and keep us together on campus for the last two weeks of the semester. Let’s keep going!

I pray that God strengthens you for the weeks ahead. He is faithful, and He is good.

Enjoy this Friday, and many blessings,

Rev. Dr. Ryan Peterson
Vice President of Administration