Be at the center of invention and innovation

Welcome to the world of technology, advancement, and innovation! You are going to be creating the future. Don’t believe us? Computer scientists are instrumental to any and everything that involves computers. And let’s be honest, pretty much everything involves computers.

Credits 126

All courses offered face-to-face on Ann Arbor's campus.

Financial Aid

The average undergraduate student award is $23,395.

Learn about financial aid
Program Overview

If you want to work in programming or software development, computer science is the program for you. You’ll be learning how to create software and design computer systems, and this creative, exciting, and growing area needs enthusiastic professionals. At CUAA, you’ll study “big picture” issues, as well as specialized skills. Robotics, virtual reality, and videogames are often cited as future jobs areas in computer science, but you could also be a part of many other fields including animation, music, automobiles, analytics, and informatics. For Software Developers alone, the job market is expected to grow by 17% from 2014 to 2024! This demand translates to higher pay and more career opportunities. That’s hard to turn down!

What to Expect

This degree provides a classic foundation in computer science and will prepare you for a very wide range of careers. You’ll be ready for everything from designing computer games, analyzing “big data” analysis, and working in information assurance. We’ll teach you more than programming; you will learn how computer hardware works, data communication is carried out, operating systems function, database software is structured, and many other “under the hood” aspects of computing systems. You will know how systems actually function in the real world. This enables you to keep up with—and possibly create—advances in this innovative field.

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