A strong base for a big future

You love business, but you’re not exactly sure yet what that means for you as it relates to your career. That’s cool. You’re not the only one who feels that way. A General Business major is a great way to prepare yourself for a broad range of career opportunities.

Credits 120
Sample Careers
  • Bus. Intelligence Analyst
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Business Teacher
Financial Aid

The average undergraduate student award is $23,395.

Learn about financial aid
Program Overview

Concordia’s general business degree is a great way to keep your options open and prepare for the career path that’s right for you. The skills you’ll acquire in this business program are varied and transfer easily into countless roles and professions. That means no matter your chosen curriculum, there’s bound to be a job out there requiring those exact skills.

What to Expect

Learning outcomes depend upon the business and liberal arts electives you take, but no matter which you choose you’ll gain valuable knowledge in accounting, business law, human resources, international business, marketing, economics, and finance.

  • Ann Arbor

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