The right message the right way

To be an expert in marketing, you need to be good at two contradictory things: creative thinking and strategic planning. CUAA recognizes that both sides have to be nurtured and developed, and we have a program that will give you a strong foundation and the flexibility to chart your own path to professional success.

Credits 120
  • Marketing Manager
  • Advertising
  • Digital Specialist
Financial Aid

The average undergraduate student award is $23,395.

Learn about financial aid
Program Overview

Concordia’s Bachelor of Science in marketing fuses creativity with strategy to produce an exciting career path using both left-brain and right-brain agility. Marketing graduates have one of the highest job-placement rates in the business world, and Concordia will prepare you to be the most effective, efficient professional possible to be a competitive job candidate after graduation. 

What to Expect

Our bachelor’s in marketing teaches you the fundamental skills you’ll need to be an effective marketing professional. From consumer audiences and their needs, to product design, packaging, pricing, advertising, selling, distribution, brand identification, and promotion, you’ll study everything that goes into this enticing career. In addition, you’ll learn the nuts and bolts of public relations—how it’s used to promote and manage public perception—as well as basic advertising campaign strategies like copy, visualization, and layout. You’ll also learn the difference between business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) operations. A Concordia marketing major also covers the digital landscape of web design and maintenance and the impact E-commerce has on marketing. You’ll learn marketing research methods and measurements, dip your toes into international marketing, and gain insights on how to ethically engage and interact conscientiously with the public.

  • Ann Arbor

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