Story-telling with a purpose

Mass media affects our society and transforms our culture. More than ever, we have new and far-reaching ways to share ideas. This is why it is important to deliver a clear and relevant message. Whether your interests lie in newspaper, magazine, radio, television, film or web, you will study how these methods can affect behavior and opinion. You can pair this knowledge with a Christian world-view to create exciting opportunities to create awareness throughout the masses.

Credits 120

All courses offered face-to-face on Ann Arbor's campus.

Financial Aid

The average undergraduate student award is $23,395.

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Program Overview

Through this program, you will learn to write, edit and deliver communications. These skills are useful in many fields, including but not limited to…advertising, public relations, healthcare, journalism, digital media, radio, film and television. You will study media writing in order to communicate with a large audience and understand its requirements. You will learn about media organizations, the historical context of the development of mass media and the legal implications within the field. You will be able to examine the obstacles of trust and understanding in a time where confidence in the media is an important issue. You will learn the fundamentals of reporting, journalism and accurate writing. You will also explore the history of animation from silent film to current innovation, and learn to apply to practical skills in editing, production and creative.

What to Expect

You will have opportunities for hands-on learning through internships at communication firms, in-depth video projects, radio programming and writing for the newspaper. You will have the opportunity to learn business communication, oral history, persuasive communication, principles of marketing and Christian ethics. You can train in film and video production and also learn the history and philosophy behind motion picture arts. You can study within the fields of radio production, sports journalism and animation depending on your path and interests.

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