Preparing for a life of service

Deaconesses have a rich tradition in the Lutheran church. They’ve been around since the time of Phoebe, who supported the work of Paul and the early church thousands of years ago. We’ve come a long way since then, but the mission of a deaconess, as well as her life of service, has remained similar. And the need for deaconesses remains today as well. So if the Lord is calling you to be a modern-day “Phoebe,” we encourage you to check out our Pre-Deaconess program.

Credits 18

All courses offered face-to-face on Ann Arbor's campus.

Financial Aid

The average undergraduate student award is $23,395.

Learn about financial aid
Program Overview

Deaconesses get to share the amazing message of Christ in a variety of settings, from aiding pastors in their congregations to serving in the mission field at home or abroad. At Concordia, we’ll provide you with a solid theological foundation as you study Scripture, learn Greek, and develop yourself as a well-rounded individual through our liberal arts, core curriculum. As a student in our Pre-Deaconess Studies program, you’ll also choose a major or minor: Christian Thought major or minor, Philosophy minor, Applied Theology major, Theological Languages major or minor, Parish Music major. Or, you can add a more specialized complementary major or minor, according to your talents—such as Music or Family Life. You’ll also have the chance to participate in church-work internships, mission trips, and pre-seminary student activities. 

What to Expect

By the time you finish our program, you’ll be ready to begin your studies as a deaconess student at either of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod seminaries.

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