Oil on canvas paintings, etching, relief prints, lithographs and ceramic paintings by CUW's Dr. Tess Kenney

Kreft Arts presents an exhibit created by our very own Dr. Theresa Ann Kenney! The gallery is open and welcome to the public during weekdays from 9:00 - 4:00 pm.

The Forest Floor
By Artist Dr. Theresa Ann Kenney Phd, MFA, BFA, CTS
Professor of Art, Concordia University Wisconsin

Dr. Theresa Ann Kenney is first and foremost an educator. Dr. Kenney has been working in higher education for 30 plus years.

While specializing in digital technology, drawing, figure drawing, composition, color theory, art history, design history, art in the humanities and animation, Dr. Kenney often look for ways to find collaborations in the community with various non-profits, small businesses, family groups and other entities using her expertise in art and design.

In addition to teaching Dr. Kenney has maintained a long career in Entertainment Production and is a loyal member of the International Association of Stagehands and Engineers (IATSE) Local 18. She sets up large video walls and runs camera for large events for everything from rock and roll to symphonic orchestration, Broadway and local theater.

Dr. Kenney loves and cherishes her long career in art education and entertainment, but also has a deep passion for nature and for learning about mycology. She considers herself a citizen scientist. Dr. Kenney was the past President of the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Mycological Society and also the Layout and Design director for the Mycophile Quarterly- the NAMA, the North American Mycological Associations major publication.

Dr. Kenney’s work in the Forest Floor is a culmination of work done when it was impossible to go on forays and the world was in lock down. She has continued this series to this day. The Forest Floor encompasses a series of oil on canvas paintings, etching, relief prints, lithographs and ceramic painting of Wisconsin fungi. The exhibition includes each specimens taxonomy, common and formal names, descriptions and habitat. This work is an artist exhibition of citizen science yet so much more.